Human Anatomy


A thin, flat bone forming the posterior portion of the nasal septum.
The vomer is a singular, unpaired bone located in the midline of the nasal cavity. It articulates with several other bones, including the sphenoid, ethmoid, and the maxillae. Shaped somewhat like a plow, its primary role is to separate the left and right nasal passages, contributing to the structure of the nasal septum.
Terminologia Anatomica
Skeletal system
The primary function of the vomer is to support the nasal septum, which divides the nasal cavity into two distinct chambers, allowing for efficient airflow and respiratory function. By doing so, the vomer plays a critical role in regulating nasal air passage, ensuring that air is warmed, humidified, and filtered before it reaches the lungs. Additionally, the vomer contributes to the overall structural integrity of the nasal cavity and helps protect the delicate tissues within. The vomer also serves as an attachment point for nasal structures, supporting the tissue that contains the sensory receptors responsible for the sense of smell.
The vomer is located in the lower part of the nasal cavity, situated vertically along the midline. It is positioned inferior to the ethmoid bone and anterior to the sphenoid bone. The vomer's base attaches to the hard palate, while its superior part forms a narrow edge that articulates with the nasal crest of the sphenoid and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. This positioning makes the vomer centrally important in connecting various facial and cranial bones, further stabilizing the nasal septum.
Did You Know?
  • The name 'vomer' comes from the Latin word for 'plow,' due to its shape resembling that agricultural tool.
  • Each side of the vomer is often slightly different in size, leading to natural asymmetry in many people's nasal cavities.
  • The vomer is one of the few bones in the body that can undergo significant remodeling as a result of injuries or surgical procedures in the nasal area.